Bridge DLL problem?

Using (or providing) components based on the "Win32" framework

Bridge DLL problem?

Postby crishog on Wed Jan 02, 2019 4:03 pm

DFS works on my Windows 10 laptop (except for the IME issue I've reported), but on the desktop I get

VALUE ERROR: Undefined name: Diagnostics
GetCurrentExecutable[6] r←r,(Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName),'.exe'

Which gives the following message in the status window

Could not load bridge interface library bridge170_unicode.dll. (Error 0x000000c1: "%1 is not a valid Win32 application.")

I get the equivalent in Classic too. I tried removing & reinstalling Classic, but I still get the error.

My firewall jumped in & I told it "run unlimited", but did my first attempt get blocked in some way & the reinstallation didn't clear the problem?
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Re: Bridge DLL problem?

Postby Vince|Dyalog on Thu Jan 03, 2019 3:52 pm

Hi Chris,

Try this on your desktop in Dyalog.
⎕using←'' 'System'

Then, please send an email with the outcome to Dyalog Support and we will look into why our .NET interface on your desktop is not working.


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Re: Bridge DLL problem?

Postby crishog on Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:05 am

I tried typing the ⎕USING & got "Could not load bridge interface library bridge170_unicode.dll. (Error 0x000000c1: "%1 is not a valid Win32 application.")

But if you are after just the command line it is

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dyalog\Dyalog APL 17.0 Unicode\dyalog.exe" DFSConfig="C:\Development\DFSConfig"

With the DFSConfig parameter to specify my specific settings for my test DFS setup
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Re: Bridge DLL problem?

Postby Vince|Dyalog on Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:30 am

Hi Chris,

Ah, I think I have found an answer in the support archives.

You might need to un-install and re-install, making sure that you install the VS 2015 runtime support.

From our Bridge DLL advice page here:

Our Dyalog installer can install the "Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 runtime support" DLLs if you tick that checkbox. This runs an installer from Microsoft.

Our installer zip file also contains the installer for this. You could either extract it from our installer zip file, or download it from Microsoft ( ... x?id=48145).

The installer file is vc_redist.x64.exe (for 64-bit Windows) or vc_redist.x86.exe (for 32-bit Windows).


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Re: Bridge DLL problem?

Postby crishog on Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:36 pm

I tried installed it & my machine informed me I already had it installed. So I looked at the article you pointed out

I ran the dll_test function & it fails (which I'd expect).

I checked for C:\windows\system32\ucrtbase.dll & C:\windows\system32\vcruntime140.dll and both are present

It also says "Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 must be installed/enabled" & checking for that I have .Net 3.5 & 4.7 - do I need to add 4.0 as well as 4.7?

I tried running the Dependency Walker on brisge170_unicode.dll (if that's how it is done) but I got literally hundreds of arrors
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Re: Bridge DLL problem?

Postby Vince|Dyalog on Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:30 am

Hi Chris,

Do you have ucrtbase.dll and vcruntime140.dll in c:\windows\syswow64\ as well? (While the files have the same name, I expect that the syswow64 ones are 32-bit while the ones in c:\windows\system32\ are 64-bit).

Also, compare this and the levels of .NET framework with your laptop where you have it working please.


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Re: Bridge DLL problem?

Postby crishog on Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:00 pm

I have ucrtbase & vcruntime140 DLLS in syswow64 as well as system32

I've checked the version of .Net on both laptop & desktop - both show framework 4.0 specifically running

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\full" /v version

under cmd on both machines returns 4.7.03056

Running the dll_test function on the laptop returns zeroes for both calls & the system path

Running it on the desktop returns a path (slightly different order & a cuople of difference due to being from different manufacturers), but both calls return 193 for the Get Last Error which seems to be (according to one site I checked) "ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT, most likely meaning the file is corrupted, or it's a 32-bit DLL you're loading into a 64-bit process or vice versa."

As both machines are 64-bit I copied the DLL from the Laptop to the Desktop, but that made no difference to the error
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