Unable to save a workspace

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Unable to save a workspace

Postby gullstoop@msn.com on Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:34 pm

After having completed a Dyalog Tutorial that to build an XL Spreadsheet, (Dyalog APL Tutorial Chapter Q Interfaces, Sections 2.1-2.24), I am unable to save my apl workspace, and get the following error message

Cannot perform operation when session namespace is referenced by #.

I tried the Menu Actions interupt and reset. They did not work. I'm sure that there is a simple solution, but I have found no documentation on it.

Can you help?

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Re: Unable to save a workspace

Postby Vince|Dyalog on Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:29 am

Hi John,

I'm sorry that we didn't answer this question when it was posed.

I will answer it now in case it helps anyone else who finds this topic.

The answer is to ⎕EX the reference which seems to be preventing the save:

⎕EX '#.act'


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