The APL Forge – A New Competition

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The APL Forge – A New Competition

Postby Fiona|Dyalog on Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:02 pm

Announcing a new competition – the APL Forge

Do you have a problem and are looking for the right language in which to solve it? Do you have an idea for a library that you think other APL users might benefit from? Do you have an APL-based application that you want to share? The APL Forge is where we reward you for using Dyalog APL to solve problems and develop libraries, applications, and tools.

This annual event is designed to promote the use and development of APL by challenging participants to create innovative open-source libraries and commercial applications. Whether you’re an individual, a group, or a company, if you have a passion for problem-solving in APL, this competition is for you.

The winning entry will receive a prize comprising:
* £2,500 GBP.
* An expenses-paid opportunity to present your winning work at the next annual Dyalog user meeting.
* A commercial licence, valid for one year, and assistance from us to help you take your application into production if relevant.

The deadline for submissions is Sunday 23 June 2024 at 23:59 UTC

The APL Forge is open to anyone who is not an employee of, contractor for, or otherwise directly associated with, Dyalog Ltd.

For more information and to enter, see
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