Dyalog '13 Videos - week 10

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Dyalog '13 Videos - week 10

Postby Fiona|Dyalog on Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:01 pm

This week's conference videos cover some of the tools that can simplify and enhance your Dyalog APL experience. Go to http://www.dyalog.com/user-meetings/dyalog13.htm to read about Dyalog ’13 and follow the links to the videos.

• Morten's "Interfaces to R, Q and NAG" introduces the tools that provide direct access to three applications - the R statistical framework (open source), Q high performance database engine and NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group) libraries.
o RConnect, the interface to R, exploits the rich syntax offered by R to verify statistical routines written in an APL workspace and perform statistical analysis using R's comprehensive statistical library, optionally displaying the results graphically. (http://video.dyalog.com/Dyalog13/?v=NhGRTRKNzB8)
o The largest collection of reliable and supported numerical algorithms commercially available can be accessed using ⎕NA cover functions, enabling NAG's statistical facilities and optimisation routines to be applied to functions written in an APL workspace.
o QConnect, the interface to Q, maps Q data structures with APL objects so that the advantages of the high performance columnar database engine can be applied to functions written in an APL workspace.

• The next release of Dyalog APL sees many improvements to the user command structure. In "User Command Update", Dan goes through some of the changes that have been made for version 14.0 as well as covering the basics of user commands for the benefit of those who haven't used them since their introduction in version 12.1. (http://video.dyalog.com/Dyalog13/?v=Bm5dEUC6ZWg)

• In "The Future of SharpPlot and RainPro", Nic's enthusiasm as he describes the evolution of RainPro into SharpPlot is contagious! The better performance, increased portability and excellent graphics quality offered by SharpPlot over RainPro have made SharpPlot the primary charting package for Dyalog from version 14.0. Nic covers the basics of using SharpPlot and shows the results and chart type options that can be generated. (http://video.dyalog.com/Dyalog13/?v=Xo3vRQMaPxo)

This is the last of the weekly releases of videos from Dyalog '13. To stay up-to-date with further releases of videos by Dyalog, subscribe to the following YouTube channels:
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