Internal MiServer 2.x Variable for the original HTTP request

MiServer is Dyalog's APL-based web development framework

Internal MiServer 2.x Variable for the original HTTP request

Postby woody on Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:55 pm


Is there a MiServer (2.x) internal variable (e.g. req.Headers or something) that holds the original HTTP request string that was sent by the user's browser?

Or do I need to re-construct the HTTP request string from the req.Data (for POST) and req.Arguments (for GET) ?


Woodley Butler
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Re: Internal MiServer 2.x Variable for the original HTTP req

Postby Brian|Dyalog on Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:58 pm

Hi Woodley,

It's in HTTPRequest.Input (req.Input).
By the way, since you're using MiServer 2, HTTPRequest is documented in the MiServer User Guide found in the Documentation folder.

I hope this helps!

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Re: Internal MiServer 2.x Variable for the original HTTP req

Postby woody on Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:33 pm

Thanks, Brian!

Yes, I read section D.2 of the Feb-2012 MiServer User Guide Version 2.0 and experimented for a few hours before I posted the query on this forum.

I was tricking myself with a MiPage that used JQuery to make a POST back to the page.

My inspections of req.Input was for the JQuery call .. not the original web page request from the browser.

All set now!



Woodley Butler
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