MiServer 2.0 Session Cookie

MiServer is Dyalog's APL-based web development framework

MiServer 2.0 Session Cookie

Postby woody on Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:33 pm

MiServer Gurus:

I see this COOKIE in the req.Headers

Code: Select all
Session=0Vqohlu70J71kgByfJ6OPVpIhULnEKHJzGICzf7UCLw=; _ga=GA1.2.285959592.1465818297

Are these assumptions correct?

In the beginning, when a user first visits the HOST ... MiServer will determine that the user's HTTP Header does NOT have a COOKIE. So, MiServer will Create a new Session ID, and Create the COOKIE to reflect the NEW Session=xxxx value.

If MiServer is RESTARTED, then all Sessions are ended, however, users who have visited MiServer will have a saved COOKIE in their Browser that will be passed the next time they visit the same HOST.

The next time that user arrives at MiServer, their COOKIE will have an older Session=xxxx value that is for a MiServer Session that no longer exists.

So, MiServer will start a NEW Sesion ID and update the COOKIE Session=xxxxx to a new value for the new Session. This updated Cookie is passed back to the user in the Response.

If the MiPage DELETES a user's COOKIE Session= value
Code: Select all
req.DelCookie 'Session'
then, the next time the user arrives, they will be issued a NEW MiServer Session ID# and issued a new COOKIE Session=xxxx value.

HOWEVER, the PREVIOUS SESSION ID will REMAIN ACTIVE and ORPHANED until it expires and the sessions ends.

The MiServer COOKIE will remain saved in the user's Browser for ?? days / hours ? (how long before the MiServer cookie expires?)

Where can we SET the expiration time for the MiServer session COOKIE ?

Thanks in advance for the clarification.

UPDATE: This HMTL debugging tool helped answer my questions.



Woodley Butler
Automatonics, Inc.
"Find your head in the APL Cloud"
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