MS2 and MS3 - missing bridge interface functions

MiServer is Dyalog's APL-based web development framework

MS2 and MS3 - missing bridge interface functions

Postby woody on Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:10 am

Hello. I need a little help debugging this.

I have really hit snag here.

I am trying to setup a new APLcloud Windows server running Dyalog and MiServer.

I have tried several combinations of setup configurations (but STILL get this error!)
Windows 2012-R2 as well as Windows 2016
DAPL 14.1 and DAPL 15.0
MiServer 2.1 as well as MiServer 3.0 (the latest versions)
Placing the MS ROOT location on C drive as well as on D drive

I am missing something... some DLL or APL WS TOOL (CONGA? SALT?)

These are both FRESH NEW Windows server installs.

Perhaps some new Windows security update is preventing MiServer from accessing needed DLLs ?

Does this error message ring any bells ?

⍝ on DAPL 15.0 running MS3 as http://localhost:8080

Could not load bridge interface functions. (Error 0x0000045a: "A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.")

⍝ After several seconds, a textual MS3 home page will display on browser ... but the CSS seems to be missing.

⍝ on DAPL 14.1 running MS 2.1 as http://localhost:80

HttpDate[7] r←((⎕NEW System.DateTime ts).AddMinutes minOffset).ToUniversalTime.GetDateTimeFormats'R'

⍝ POPUP error message

Could not load bridge interface library bridge141-64_unicode.dll. (Error 0x0000045a: "Unknown error")

⍝ On MS 2.1, the page never renders, and the MS workspace throws hard server error and stops running.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Woodley Butler
Automatonics, Inc.
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Re: MS2 and MS3 - missing bridge interface functions

Postby woody on Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:59 pm


I searched the forum, and found some clues on another post.

When I setup these new Windows Servers ... I must install both .NET 3.5 (includes 2.0) as well as installing the latest .NET 4.x.

Woodley Butler
Automatonics, Inc.
"Find your head in the APL Cloud"
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