How do I...Set a left arg to my Click event on a Button

Using Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation and Syncfusion WPF Libraries

How do I...Set a left arg to my Click event on a Button

Postby Fiona|Dyalog on Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:40 am


      ⎕USING←'' 'System.Windows,WPF/PresentationFramework.DLL'
btn←⎕NEW Button
btn #.WPF.Event.Add 'Click' 'foo' (Other Data)
foo ⍝ Add lists all handlers as its result


Code: Select all
<Button Click="{apl:Event foo,Left=Other Data}" />

where function foo has the form:
      ∇ {la} foo(Sender e)
[1] e.Handled←1 ⍝ Marks the event as "handled"

In the XAML case, only the text 'Other Data' is passed as the left argument while in the APL version Other and Data are APL arrays.
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