weird behavior of Dyalog 18.0 under Catalina

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weird behavior of Dyalog 18.0 under Catalina

Postby shallit on Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:30 pm

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but I am getting some weird behavior with Dyalog 18.0 under Mac OS Catalina.

Namely, each time I edit a function using
the comment line in line 1 that I have written moves one character over to the right more than the previous time I opened it!

Also, if I display a function using
then it doesn't close the definition and instead sticks a ∇ as the new last line of the function!

Anybody else having this kind of weird problem?
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Re: weird behavior of Dyalog 18.0 under Catalina

Postby petermsiegel on Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:10 am

Both occur under Big Sur.
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Re: weird behavior of Dyalog 18.0 under Catalina

Postby AndyS|Dyalog on Thu Nov 26, 2020 10:21 am


I will raise a report for both of these issues. However, I can tell you that neither is macOS-specific, and neither is interface-specific (that is, the same happens no matter whether you're using the macOS interface (aka RIDE), or the Windows interface, or the tty interface). Neither occur in 17.1 or earlier.

For the second one, you can use
which is actually more efficient as the parser knows to simply display the function.

FWIW neither issue appears when you use )ed/⎕ED.
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