Active-Topics has ceased to work.

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Active-Topics has ceased to work.

Postby Phil Last on Sat May 21, 2011 10:21 am

is my desktop shortcut to The Dyalog forums and is what is used by the "View active topics" link on the "Board Index" (index.php)

It ceased to work a couple of days ago. Nor does selecting something in the "Limit results to previous:" dropdown in the "Advanced search" work any more unless you also specify a search term.

I wasn't unduly surprised at the response when I put in "and":
"The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: and."

but how is it possible to search for anything at all when even "constructor" is deemed to be too common a word?

"The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: constructor."
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Re: Active-Topics has ceased to work.

Postby Phil Last on Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:51 am

Any progress on making the search engine useable?

Why can't I simply ask for all posts during the last day, or week, say, or between two given dates.

We could all write our own in APL simply enough but don't have access to the data.
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Phil Last
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Re: Active-Topics has ceased to work.

Postby Jason|Dyalog on Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:09 am

Hi Phil.

Sorry for the delayed response.

The search feature will be a couple of weeks yet, as I will have to do some server configuration & alteration in order to sort this issue.

I Think the Active Topics should now be sorted, for some reason the settings have changed in the administration and all the forums had defaulted to "Off". Sorry for that one.

I will let you know when the search is working again, I'm also working on some other features that will hopefully make the forums a slightly nicer experience. :-)

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