{HOME], [DYALOG], and [SALT]

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{HOME], [DYALOG], and [SALT]

Postby ray on Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:26 pm


I have noticed that under Dyalog 17.0 (under WINDOWS 7 and 10), in some of the file names that occur in the Configuration settings (and hence windows registry) contain what appear to be "shortcuts" for some directory paths.

C:\Users\Ray\Documents\Dyalog APL-64 17.0 Unicode Files\Code;[DYALOG]\Library\Core;[DYALOG]\Library\Conga;[SALT]


Where are these "shortcuts" defined?
Are they part of Windows OS, or Dyalog?

I am assuming these are NOT related to "System operations" (such as "[WSClear]", "[WSLoad]" and "[Off]") that Dyalog also supports.

Thanks for any feedback.

Ray Cannon
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Re: {HOME], [DYALOG], and [SALT]

Postby Adam|Dyalog on Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:20 am

These are recognised by SALT whenever a path is given. Any phrase in square brackets is replaced with the environment variable of that (for non-Windows: uppercased) name.

Technical details:
It is ⎕SE.SALTUtils.specialName which does this. You can test it with ⎕SE.SALTUtils.specialName'[home]'
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Re: {HOME], [DYALOG], and [SALT]

Postby ray on Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:42 pm

Thanks for this information.
Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 17.0 Unicode


Having looked at the code, and I notice that [USER] is also a special name, but does not appear to currently be in use (that is to say, I have not found it in my registry entries).

However when I tried USER it fails:
Code: Select all
SYNTAX ERROR: Can't change nameclass on assignment
getEnvir[9] r←{0::⎕AN ⋄ (1↓2⊃'\'∘={⎕ML←1 ⋄ ⍺⊂⍵}⊢)2⊃4070⌶⍬}

I believe the problem that line [9] is missing an argument of some sort, EG
Code: Select all
getEnvir[9] r←{0::⎕AN ⋄ (1↓2⊃'\'∘={⎕ML←1 ⋄ ⍺⊂⍵}⊢)2⊃4070⌶⍬}⍬

Without it, line 9 is trying to reassign the variable "r" (already defined on line 4) as as a function.

Code: Select all
      r←{0::⎕AN ⋄ (1↓2⊃'\'∘={⎕ML←1 ⋄ ⍺⊂⍵}⊢)2⊃4070⌶⍬}⍬
Ray Cannon
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Re: {HOME], [DYALOG], and [SALT]

Postby Adam|Dyalog on Mon Jul 30, 2018 4:29 pm

Thank you for that. I've fixed it and it should become part of the first upcoming patch and eventually make it to https://www.dyalog.com/tools/user-commands.htm as well.
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