Grid with interactive drag & drop row ordering.

Using (or providing) components based on the "Win32" framework

Grid with interactive drag & drop row ordering.

Postby norbertjurkiewicz84 on Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:47 pm

Has anyone implemented such a mechanism? I'm looking for ideas for the most visually interactive grid ordering without requiring a popup with a ListView, which supports DragItem.

I.e. visibly drag a row with its its outline to a different position.

* HTMLRenderer is not an option.
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Re: Grid with interactive drag & drop row ordering.

Postby MikeHughes on Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:51 am

Actually I disagree - I think the HTMLRenderer is a great tool as long as you don't use it with static page uploads. To build a grid in raw JS/HTML5 would be painful.

It natively supports WebSockets like a browser (which is what it is of course) so you can work interactively with it.

Syncfusion JavaScript objects have drag options and I have started to implement a similar version to the ⎕wc Grid. I haven't put in drag/drop yet but I think it would be very possible.

Certainly from what I've seen my qWC soln using the HTMLRenderer will be the way to go. Future proofed by using Web Assembly with the HTMLRenderer with the by-product of it working web wise with browsers without change other than adding a web server behind the scenes.

I confess I was shocked at how nice the result was when I got the HTMLRenderer to work with it (WITHOUT the need of any static web server like MiServer).
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Re: Grid with interactive drag & drop row ordering.

Postby norbertjurkiewicz84 on Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:05 pm

Unfortunately, it's not an option since this is for v14. I'd also like to avoid a major UI refactor by sticking with the existing grid.
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Re: Grid with interactive drag & drop row ordering.

Postby JoHo on Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:30 pm

Hi Norbert,

Just some quick thoughts.
That would be challenge to achieve with the existing win32 Grid object in v14, but it should be possible. A possible starting point could be the TextMatrix (TM) in the CPro class library, where there is the basic functionality already implemented with a simple context menu.

Probably a few quadNA calls would do the job,
or dragging a fake screen shot of the row (or just the title) with some plain MouseMove events.
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