Multiple sessions and their logs

Installing APL, Sorting out Fonts, Keyboards, etc.

Multiple sessions and their logs

Postby ray on Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:44 pm

(I originally confused the "session_file" with "log_file" and "SaveSessionOnExit" with "SaveLogOnExit", but now realised the LOG of the session is separate from the SESSION.)

I frequently run two APL sessions in my PC at the same time, one for development, and the other running an application.

To aid this I have two shortcuts on my PC's desktop, one to start an APL development session, the other to run my "ANT" application.

In the registry:-
SaveLogOnExit is set to 1
log_file is set to:
C:\Users\Ray\Documents\Dyalog APL-64 18.0 Unicode Files\default.dlf

In my ANT's shortcut, the "target" has 3 entries (shown here as 3 separate lines) :
"C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 18.0 Unicode\dyalog.exe"

Line one is simply the Dyalog executable (in quotes because of the embedded spaces within the full file path).

Line two is the name of the workspace I initially load, which sets up my pseudo user command. It also acts on my (not Dyalog's) command line parameter "LOADWS" if present.

Line three is that LOADWS parameter. On exit, "start.dws", ⎕LOADs the workspace named in this parameter. "hexserv31" in turn "bootstraps" the ANT application.

To this shortcut I have tried adding a standard Dyalog configuration parameter :
but this does not appear to override the registry entry, and the session log file is still being updated upon exit from the ANT application.

Surely, Configuration Parameters specified in the APL command line apply to the whole session, and so should over-ride the entries in the Registry, even following multiple ⎕LOADs .

Ray Cannon
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Re: Multiple sessions and their logs

Postby ray on Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:14 am

I thought this was now working because when exiting via pressing the "X" in the top right of the window, the
Quit Dyalog APL. Are you sure?
popup box is displayed.

In this popup the 3 tick boxes (for Save config, continue and Log) are not ticked, but the Log is still being saved!

Here is a saved Log (from a simpler Shortcut) as proof:
Code: Select all
Dyalog APL/W-64 Version 18.0.39659
Serial number: 000766
Wed Jun 23 09:11:45 2021
"C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 18.0 Unicode\dyalog.exe" SaveLogOnExit=0
Dyalog APL/W-64 Version 18.0.39659
Serial number: 000766
Wed Jun 23 09:12:09 2021

You can see the Log HAS been saved.
Ray Cannon
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Re: Multiple sessions and their logs

Postby Vince|Dyalog on Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:27 am

Hi Ray,

To have Dyalog not read in a session log and not save it, put this on your ANT application command line:



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Re: Multiple sessions and their logs

Postby ray on Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:11 am

Thank you Vince
Ray Cannon
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