NONCE ERROR: Cannot clone a namespace with a GUI component

Using (or providing) components based on the "Win32" framework

NONCE ERROR: Cannot clone a namespace with a GUI component

Postby ray on Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:56 pm


I am trying to implement an UnDo feature when building up a windows form showing a musical script.

My current method is very long winded, (trying to keep track of every change made, and then at the UnDo, reversing the change). This just about works, but is difficult to code.

So have been looking for a simpler process.

I had thought that I could maybe take a clone of the GUI namespace before each change to the GUI, and if I hit the UnDo button, simply replace the current GUI with the last cloned image.

However, when I tried I got the error message:

NONCE ERROR: Cannot clone a namespace with a GUI component

Im not expecting Dyalog to make any change relating to this Nonce Error is the near future
but merely wish to raise the issue to reduce my current frustration. LOL

Has anyone tried putting Dyalog GUI objects onto the ClipBoard within APL?
Ray Cannon
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Re: NONCE ERROR: Cannot clone a namespace with a GUI compone

Postby Vince|Dyalog on Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:57 am

Hi Ray,

As you will have experienced, I think that you can only keep track of the properties of the GUI objects.

It's not possible to copy Dyalog GUI objects to the clipboard.


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