Fast Fourier transform in APL

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Fast Fourier transform in APL

Postby ray on Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:08 pm

I have had some success in creating music from scratch just using Dyalog APL. So far, I have manage to reproduce (to some extent) the sound of Organ pipes, Piano and a Guitar string.

I wish to add some more (and improve the quality of my existing) instruments.

Currently I create an instrument sound of a note by adding to the fundamental frequency, multiple harmonics of that frequency with various amplitudes (and than apply a sound envelope to the whole).

However I have failed to find the amplitudes and frequency data for many instruments of sufficient quality on the internet to meet my needs.

My understanding is that I "should" be able to via Fast Fourier Transforms, analysis a sound file to get the harmonics and amplitudes information I need.

My idea is to produce (via a Midi interface) the sounds of different instruments playing a single note of know frequency to use as my sound source.

At this point, it all falls apart, as I have no idea how to write (or use) an FFT in APL!

Can anyone offer any help with FFT in APL?


Ray Cannon
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Re: Fast Fourier transform in APL

Postby PGilbert on Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:11 pm

Hello Ray, I am not an expert in Fourier Transform but here is what I have done:

      ∇ X←DFT x;k;n;N
⍝ Discrete Fourier Transform ... _transform

⍝ DFT←{⍵+.×⍨*○0J¯2×n÷⍨∘.×⍨¯1+⍳n←≢⍵} APLCart WS Full if too big

⍝ For x←1 2J¯1 0J¯1 ¯1J2 then X = 2 ¯2J¯2 0J¯2 4J4
⍝ Angular frequency of the points of the DFT = n×(2×PI)÷(N×∆t)

N←≢x ⍝ Size of vector to transform
X←⍳0 ⍝ Placeholder for the result
n←¯1+⍳N ⍝ index generator

:For k :In n

∇ x←IDFT X;k;n;N
⍝ Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform ... _transform

⍝ IDFT←{n÷⍨⍵+.×⍨*○0J2×n÷⍨∘.×⍨¯1+⍳n←≢⍵} APLCart WS Full if too big

⍝ For X = 2 ¯2J¯2 0J¯2 4J4 then x←1 2J¯1 0J¯1 ¯1J2

N←≢X ⍝ Size of vector to transform
x←⍳0 ⍝ Placeholder for the result
n←¯1+⍳N ⍝ index generator

:For k :In n

⍝ For complex number:
Re←{9○⍵} ⍝ Real part
Im←{11○⍵} ⍝ Imaginary part
Mag←{|⍵} ⍝ Magnitude
Phi←{12○⍵} ⍝ Phase

The has one liner but you may get a WS full if you have too much data, so I have made a function with iteration.

Good luck.
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Re: Fast Fourier transform in APL

Postby ray on Wed Jul 10, 2024 5:58 pm

Thank you so much for this.

I will let you know how I get on with it.

Ray Cannon
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Re: Fast Fourier transform in APL

Postby Adam|Dyalog on Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:02 am

You can also use the fastest fourier transformation in the world, available through a library: ... le#fourier
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Re: Fast Fourier transform in APL

Postby Bob Armstrong on Sun Jul 21, 2024 5:28 pm

Being able to write a definitional Fourier transform , not fast , in one line of APL was quite instrumental in the course of my life , . ( The one line transform in the paper on that page struck Christopher Zeeman as excessively cryptic when I tried to explain it token by token . Failed to impress him with the revolution APL was at the time . I think he had a bit of a point with the
Code: Select all
 1 2 ∘.○

I was motivated to read Cooley&Tukey's paper at that time and wanted to express the algorithm as operations across an array of the dimensions of the prime factors of the total data length . That lines up all the redundancies in calculation so they can be simply reduced across .

I thought I noticed some additional redundancies which were not exploited by the algorithm , but had , to say the least , other priorities and never got a round toit .

That site looks very interesting & impossible to beat . I'd be particularly interested in how they optimize the algorithm on prime sizes . The fact that it handles multiple dimensions is also compelling .
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